Beatrice is 25 years old and lives alone with her three children. Her oldest child was born from a forced marriage in the LRA. She was captured by rebels when she was 16 years old. Three years of fighting, enslaved labor and physical assault went by before she was able to escape during an ambush.

After she returned, Beatrice had two more children but both fathers abandoned her. She struggles to find enough money to buy food and rent. Thanks to IGAP, she has a predictable income that she supplements by doing laundry. She enjoys the feeling of going to work everyday and earning her own money. Beatrice also relies on the emotional support she receives from the other women in the group to help her through difficult times.

Thanks to foreign sponsors, Beatrice is able to send her two oldest children to school. She dreams that all three will complete their education and have bright futures. She also hopes that someday she will no longer be able to remember her past.